LED Supermarket Lighting Design Guides


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Whenever we visit a supermarket, we are impressed by the layout and how everything just comes together. The way everything in the supermarket is on display and stacked up is well-thought-out. There are various things that come together to provide the ideal supermarket layout. However, one thing that people tend to forget is the illumination or supermarket lighting to be more specific. It is crucial to illuminate the supermarket to enhance its look and feel. When you visit a supermarket, you will come across a wide range of lighting patterns. These patterns help create the ideal visual effect to promote different items. Hence, it is vital for designers to determine which lights to use when working on the layout plan and interior design. This LEDLUCKY guide to supermarket lighting will help provide you will all the information you need for amazing supermarket lighting.

Supermarket Lighting Standards

When it comes to supermarket lighting standards, you need to keep in mind that each location has different lighting requirements. To meet the needs of customers, the lighting has to focus on the type of goods on display, the display methods, architectural styles, geographical region, and the like. By considering these factors, a unique atmosphere can be created. The design of the supermarket is crucial for maintaining good lighting that is color-coordinated. The supermarket lighting standards are based on the idea of using simple yet bright lighting for facilitating customers with their experience. There are different decoration styles in supermarkets. To meet the standards of illumination, the light source and lamps need to reflect the features of the supermarket. Supermarket lighting standards tend to be high. The majority of countries have a 0.8 to 0.85mhorinzontal plane. The domestic standard of supermarkets with regards to room illumination is 150 to 450 lux.

Why Is LED Important In Supermarket Lighting?

The importance of LED in supermarket lighting cannot be stressed enough. For instance, if you come across two doors that lead to an unknown place, you would more likely to use the door that takes you to the illuminated space instead of one that is dark. We are more likely to open the door to a bright and well-lit room. This simple human psychology can be applied to the lighting requirements of the supermarket. LEDs are considered due to the following factors.

1. Uniformity of Illumination

If the brightness and intensity of illumination are not properly distributed, it would cause visual fatigue. The maximum illumination in a supermarket should be the average luminance or not more than 1/6 of the market. Uniformity of illumination is possible by ensuring that the actual aspect ratio (L/H) is not more than the lanterns and lamps in place.

2. Illumination Stability

There is no such thing as the same illumination requirements for every supermarket. Since every supermarket is different, it can be somewhat complicated working at a supermarket. Remember, people prefer high illumination. It helps create an active environment and improves staff initiative. On the other hand, low illumination makes one feel kind, halcyon, and relaxed.

3. Glare Control

Dazzle light is a serious issue as the change in brightness differences or uneven distribution cause visual discomfort and impact eyesight. On the other hand, high brightness pointing directly towards the eyes is known as the direct glare. Reflected glare is caused when the light source passes through a glass surface reflection. With appropriate height installation and necessary protection of lanterns and lamps, the issue can be solved.

4. Reduces Energy Costs

The net profit margin of the biggest supermarkets is just one percent on average according to various studies. This is why it is crucial to saving on costs by opting for LEDs. Using energy-saving products is the best solution. It allows you to ensure low energy costs and you get to create a green lighting environment.

5. Enhances The Appearance Of Supermarket Items

When LED lighting is used in the supermarket, it helps create a welcoming environment. Customers tend to be attracted to supermarket items that have been properly illuminated. It is rather easy to induce customers to buy products through lighting. The customer should feel welcome throughout the shopping experience. There needs to be appropriate lighting so that the customer can properly look for items. If there is good lighting, customers are more likely to stay longer and buy more items.

What Kind Of Lighting Is Required In Different Parts Of The Supermarket?

1. Grocery Section

One of the most important parts of the supermarket is the grocery section. It is where all the dry food products can be found. The products are either packed in huge plastic bags, bottles, bags, or boxes. They are normally stacked upwards on the parallel shelves that cover a ton of space. The grocery section requires lighting to be appropriately placed to properly illuminate the food items. The ideal ratio for this section would be 2:1 vertical to horizontal.

2. Vegetables, Fruits, And Other Perishable Items

Since perishables are the main reason why people go to a supermarket, it is important to make an extra effort to ensure that the lighting is placed in such a way to grab everyone’s attention. The lighting has to make the items look fresh. The best way to achieve this is by using direction lighting and bright/warm white lights.

3. Wine And Liquor Area

Most supermarkets tend to have a wine and liquor area. Since these items are quite expensive, it is vital to properly light the section. The wine and champagne have to appear expensive so that people will take interest. Proper and efficient lighting will help create a visually stimulating environment.

4. Overall General Lighting

Although there are no standards when it comes to general lighting, overall general lighting plays an integral role in creating the right environment. The supermarket lighting should help customers easily navigate different sections. It should not be very bright but just right. Ambient lighting is more suitable.

Supermarket Lighting Design and Layout Plan

When looking for a supermarket lighting design and layout plan, you need to make sure that the design you choose makes everything look up to the mark and awesome. It is important to combine different types of lighting options to create the best possible effect. The following ideas will help you achieve the desired objectives.

1. Utilize Different Ambient Lighting Options for Corridors, Passages, and Other Parts of the Supermarket

One of the most useful supermarket lighting design tips that you should keep in mind is that the general and common spaces need to be properly lit. Only proper lighting fixtures can be used such as ceiling lights and LED fixtures. They will create the desired lighting effect. Bright ambient lighting is a great option as it provides an ample amount of light across the entire space.

2. Opt for Accent Lighting to Focus on Promotions, Products, or Any Other Focus Item

If you want to highlight a product or draw everyone’s attention towards something, you should consider using accent lighting or attention lighting. It will help highlight and pinpoint products and boost sales. Accent lighting works best with promotional offers and for highlighting certain sections such as to ensure the clearance sale goes according to plan.

3. Make Use of Task Lighting for Certain Parts

Directional and task lighting can also be used for highlighting different sections and to make them appear more visually appealing. It can be achieved by using LED lights and fixtures inside refrigerators and food displays. Once the food items are properly visible and illuminated, customers will be more likely to buy them. The fruit and vegetable section is the ideal place to incorporate task lighting. It would help make the food look fresh and tasty.

4. Variety of Colors

Another great idea that you should seriously consider is incorporating a wide range of colors. When you use a variety of colors, you get to stimulate customers to purchase certain items. Products can be made to look for prominent by using different lighting options and display background colors. There was a survey conducted in Japan, it revealed that color values of commodities were 38.6% for clothing, 29.3% for cosmetics, and 52% for food. It shows us how color is used for sales. Thus, when the color coordination is handled well and paired with good lighting, product sales will increase. Lighting and colors affect us and generate different feelings. Each age views color in a different way. Therefore, the supermarket should understand and use color in such a way to enhance the way product displays look.


Supermarket lighting plays a huge role in the success of a supermarket. If you want to increase sales and ensure that customers have a great experience, you can use this guide as a starting point. It will help you develop the best supermarket lighting plan.

Make sure to keep in mind that there is no limit to which lighting fixtures can be used. You should try to use a variety of lighting fixtures to enhance the customer experience. Popular options include LED High Bay LightsLED Tri-proof LightsLED panel lights, and LED Flood lights.

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