Comprehensive Guide to Roadway Lighting


Table of Contents

Today, we will talk about roadway lighting and its requirements.

Let’s face it, roadway lighting has a crucial role to play in the safety of users of the roadways and surrounding facilities. Roadways are used by all types of people; thus, it is important to provide proper lighting for enhancing visibility.

Good lighting design will make sure everyone can see clearly, reducing risks of traffic accidents. With the right lighting design, accidents at nighttime can be decreased by 30%.

When it comes to the installation of lights, we understand how confusing and daunting it can be without proper guidance.

So, this highway road light lighting guide from China company will help you understand the requirements of LED roadway lighting.

Why Proper Lighting Is Required for Roadway?

Before moving onto the lighting design, you must understand what the purpose of roadway lighting is.

One of the major goals of roadway lighting is to provide an increase in the range of vehicle headlights. It helps increase the visibility range both, longitudinally and horizontally. Good lighting will help users see roadway features. It will become for people using the roadway to see objects on the road or near the roadway.

Additionally, with proper lighting, you can define the roadway and see the surrounding areas without any trouble. This will even make the users less stressful when using the roadway.


What are Visibility Requirements of Roadway Lighting?

Without a doubt, vision is one of the most crucial ways to gather information. Lighting helps in increasing the visibility of people. For instance, there is low lighting, it will negatively impact your vision and make it difficult to detect information. In the same way, by using proper lighting vision is improved, and it becomes easy to detect information.

Another aspect that affects visibility is contrast. It indicates the difference in the brightness of background and objects. When the contrast levels increase between objects and background, the ability to distinguish also increases.

If the background is bright, it will produce glare that will decrease the contrast level. This makes it challenging to see everything. So, proper lighting is needed for increasing the visibility of the users.

Right LED Lighting Design of Roadway

1. Roadway Lighting Requirements

There are two roadway lighting designs, according to the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO): Luminance Concept and Illumination Concept.

The luminance concept is used for measuring the light reflected from a surface. While the Illuminance concept is used for measuring light that strikes the surface.

The luminance concept is more complicated and requires extensive knowledge rather than an illuminance concept. This because you will need complete information regarding the reflective characteristics of various surfaces.

Also, several computer programs help in developing a better lighting design. Such programs will require information about the light and layout. Hence, it helps the engineer determine whether the selected lighting fixture is in accordance with the requirements or not.

If you need any help in designing the lighting design, LEDLUCKY has expert and experienced engineers to assist you.

2. Focus on Position of Lights

There are a variety of spacing arrangements for roadway lighting: median mounted, staggered, one-sided, overhead, and opposite. An imperative thing to keep in mind is that not all the spacing arrangements offer the right lighting solutions. So, you need an expert’s help.

When it comes to installing lights, the engineer decided which spacing arrangement will be perfect for roadways. It is a crucial decision as the lives of many people depend on it.

The one-sided arrangement is perfect for small streets having two lanes. On wide streets, the lighting will not be uniform.

Mostly, the staggered spacing arrangement is used for roadways. Because this design provides perfect light distribution on multi-lane roadways.

Opposite arrangement is also used for multi-lane facilities because light distribution is good.

Moreover, the median arrangement can be used for roadways having limited-right of way.

Whereas overhead arrangements are not commonly used. This is because the structural system must be created for holding the lights.


3. Right Mounting Height

Another factor that you must focus on is the mounting height of the light. There is a mounting height restriction by the authorities. Before, designing it is important to check the mounting height for LED lights.

For roadway lighting, the length of the cantilever of the light must not be more than ÂĽ of the installation height. The elevation angle must not exceed 15 degrees.

In case you need more information on mounting height restrictions, LED Lucky professionals are always willing to help you.

4. Paying Attention to Glare is Crucial for Lighting Design

Glare is the sensation produced by light when brightness is uncontrolled and excessive. It can cause discomfort and irritation along with decreasing visibility. When deciding the lighting design, you should not ignore glare. Lighting design with more light fixtures and a low wattage is perfect as it will decrease the glare.

5. Don’t Ignore Light Controls

Light controls have a key role to play in the lighting design. This is because LED lights come with several features for decreasing costs and increasing lifespan. For instance, you can control the brightness of the lightings from the source. This is to make sure the lights don’t produce glare. The lights have sensors that can detect darkness and automatically turn on the lights, so there are no accidents.

6. Understand Lighting Distributions

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) light distributions depend on control of light distribution, horizontal and vertical light distributions. The lighting distributions must be more than the maximum candlepower.


LEDLUCKY lighting company from china offers various highway road light.

We hope this guide will help you have proper roadway lighting as you have everything you need in one place.

Without this guide, having proper lighting can be frustrating and challenging. But when you install LED lights from LEDLUCKY you can improve the viewing experience and reduce the risk of accidents. It will help keep everyone safe.

You can browse our collection and buy the LED light that is according to your requirements. For more information, kindly get in touch with our experts.

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