Guides of LED Halogen Replacement


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Thinking of replacing your existing light with LED? Are you wondering is 500 watt halogen led replacement is possible? For a long time, people have used halogen bulbs for brightening up their space, be it household or commercial place.

With the advancement in technology, the lighting system has evolved as well. In recent times, people are moving to LED lighting from traditional lighting. LED lights have become the top lighting solution for commercial, recreational, and residential properties.

Replacing halogen bulb is a daunting and confusing task as there are plenty of things to pay attention to. The bulbs are available in different bases and sizes. In order to replace the halogen bulb, you must make sure the right type of lighting is selected.

Additionally, there are many other things you should focus on like how long will both the lights last, and what is the difference between both the lights.

Confused how to do LED halogen replacement? Don’t worry, we are here to help you. This article highlights a buyer’s guide on Halogen LED replacement.

Replacing 500W Halogen with LED Light

To help you replace the halogen bulb, it is better to have an understanding of the difference between halogen and LED light.

  • Halogen- in this incandescent bulb, halogen surrounds the filament. When it comes to its operation and appeal, it is similar to that of a conventional incandescent lamp.
  • LED- this is a semi-conductor light that illuminates through energy.

Now, you know the difference between both the lighting solution, here is how you can replace 500W Halogen with LED light.

1. Output of LED Light Must be Equivalent to Halogen Output

The first thing you have to consider when replacing a halogen bulb is the equivalent output. The brightness of the light is measured using lumens. Unfortunately, calculating lumens is confusing and tricky. There is an easy way to measure the output of lightings; Kelvin is used for measuring the temperature of light.

The lower the number of Kelvin, the warmer the light will be. For people in the cold region, 2700K light is the right choice. On the other hand, in warm regions, you should select a high number of Kelvin.

For measuring the power output, you will have to use lumens. The lumens of the halogen bulb range from 14 to 20 lm/W. In this way, the halogen bulb is capable of producing 500 x 14 = 7000 lumens. You will have to convert lumens into watts, 7000 / 140 = 50W. Keep in mind that for Led lumens per watt is 10 times more than a halogen bulb. So, for 500W Halogen LED replacement, you will need 50W to 100W.

Every traditional bulb has a different value of lumen per watt. So, for having a clear idea about equivalent output, kindly get in touch with the experts of LEDLUCKY.


2. Beam Angle Must Be Right

Another factor you have to focus on is the beam angle of the light. For those who don’t know, the beam angle indicates the angle at which light is emitted. Nowadays, LED lights are available with several angles to meet the demands of different customers, such as ARENASHARP LED STADIUM LIGHT.


There are single directional and omnidirectional LED lights. The single directional light can cover up to a certain area as the maximum beam angle is 180 degrees. While in omnidirectional LED light, light is emitted in all directions.

The beam angle is linked to the application of LED light. It means you will have to consider the purpose of LED light to decide the beam angle. For instance, you need LED light for security purposes, it is advised to get omnidirectional light.

If you want to need LED light for accent lighting, it is best to invest in a small beam angle light. In the case of basic lighting, you can choose a single directional LED light.

3. Using Dimmer LED Lights

There was a time when people consider that dimmer LED lights are not reliable. This because many people complained that their light doesn’t become dim instead it flickers. The problem with such lights is in their circuit. Not all the lights have a dimmer feature, so you have to make sure the LED light can be dimmed.

The flickering problem can be resolved by changing the switch. Sometimes, the normal dimmer switches do not work well with LED lights. So, it is better to shift to a leading-edge switch.

4. Long-term Advantages of LED Lights

There are many people who avoid shifting to LED lights. One of the reasons is its price. Without a doubt, LED lights are expensive as compared to a halogen bulb. Instead of focusing on the price of the LED lights, people should pay attention to the long-term benefits it provides.

If you stick with the conventional lighting, you might be able to save in the beginning but will have to spend it on the electricity bill. The first advantage of using LED light is a reduction in wattage. This means the light will use less energy, thus, saving a lot on the energy bill.

Moreover, the LED light has a long lifespan, this will reduce maintenance costs. It is because you will not have to frequently change LED lights. Hence, these gains will compensate for the initial cost.

An important thing to keep in mind is that quality matters. LEDLUCKY has a broad collection of LED lights, feel free to explore it.

Benefits of Replacing Halogen with LED Lights

Following are some of the benefits of halogen LED replacement:

1. LED Lights Have No-Warm Up Time

One of the benefits of using LED lights is that they require no time to warm up. It means LED lights can be turned on and off instantly.

2. LEDs are Flicker-Free

The flicker rate of LED lighting is 0.35%, this means you will not see any flickering under the high-speed camera.

3. Energy Efficient

LED lights are energy-efficient, having 10 times higher lighting efficiency. This means you will need less wattage light, which will use less energy and help save on energy bills.

4. Better Lifespan of LED Lights

LED lights have a longer lifespan than a halogen bulb. On average, the lifespan of LED lights is around 70,000 to 90,000 hours.

Mistakes to Avoid During Halogen LED Replacement

When you are replacing halogen with LED light, there are plenty of aspects to consider. A slight mistake can lead to failure. So, you have to be extra careful when replacing halogen with LED. Here are some mistakes everyone should avoid.

1. Not Focusing the Brightness Level

One of the most common mistakes is not paying attention to the brightness level. Lumens is the unit used for measuring brightness. You have to compare the output of lumen to figure out how bright LED you need.

2. Not Properly Researching the Dealer

Since LED lights have become popular rapidly, there has been an increase in the number of manufacturers. It is recommended to focus on the manufacturer because not all of them are reliable and offer quality products. So, you must check the supplier before buying LED light.

3. Not Paying Attention to Light Distribution

Another thing that you have to keep in mind is that every light source has different light distribution. The environment of the room is associated with the dispersion of light. In case of halogen LED replacement, you will experience concentrated light. This is because LED produces a more direct light than conventional lighting. So, it is crucial to focus on the light distribution of lighting.

4. Not Having Comprehensive Knowledge About CCT or CRI

There are two terms that you should be familiar with, CRI and CCT. Color Rendering Index (CRI) is the ability of the light to provide colors. It is calculated on a scale from 0 to 100. For LED lights, the CRI value ranges from 70 to 90. For outdoor use, CRI 70 is perfect while for the industrial kitchen, it is better to be over 90.

Color Temperature (CCT) is used for determining the coldness and warmth of LED light. This is measured in Kelvin (K). if you want to have an alluring light, the color temperature must be between 1200 and 2700. In workplaces, LED light with 3000K color temperature is used and for museums or art galleries, the color temperature of 5000K is preferred.


5. Not Getting Good Warranty

When buying LED light, you have to check whether the warranty is offered by the manufacturer or not. It is advised to view the length of the warranty.

6. Using the Wrong Dimmer with LED Light

As mentioned above, if you use the wrong dimer with LED light, it will flicker or buzz. This is because every dimmer is different and will not work with every LED light. Hence, you must make sure the dimmer works well with LED light.


We hope this guide helps you with halogen LED replacement. By keeping these things on your mind, you can make the whole replacing process hassle-free. LEDLUCKY is a supplier of premium quality LED lights for all types of applications. For more information, please contact them.

Thanks for reading. We also provide other LED lights as while. Click the below link to view if you are interested.

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